Refocus on what you really want from life

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About Life Coaching

As a coach I like to encourage clients to reflect upon the parts of their lives that are important to them, whether that be career, relationships, fitness, hobbies, and by positively challenging them to look at the things within their control, together we can re-focus on ways to influence positive change to achieve their goals.  I offer a non-judgmental, supportive and of course, confidential approach to all my clients.

Each programme is tailored to your individual requirements and will be designed and agreed between you and I during a no obligation discovery consultation. This conversation will help establish what you want to accomplish and if coaching will create the space to discover the changes and direction you want in your life that you do not have now. 

Life coaching can help you to:

  • Clarify and focus. What do you really want from life?

  • Reflect and evaluate. Is your current way the best way?

  • Create strategies and techniques to reach goals that may currently seem impossible to reach

  • Overcome fears and obstacles

  • Build confidence and self esteem

If you are committed to making positive change in your life and want to explore what you want, why you want it and how you can get it then embarking on a programme of one-to-one personal coaching can be transformative and take your self-awareness to a deeper level.

Book a course

The Life coaching programme is run as a one-to-one coaching programme and normally includes 6 sessions, and a free initial consultation is provided before we start the course.

Set in tranquil surroundings and within easy reach of Epping high street, coaching is the perfect place to relax and take time out so that positive steps can be taken towards your goal. However if this location is not convenient, I am also happy to coach over the phone, via zoom or discuss an alternative venue to suit you. Please note that travel time and costs will be added if an alternate location is agreed.  

A typical life coaching course includes 6 personal coaching sessions and costs start from £479 per session excluding VAT.

Please contact me on 07872517109 or email to discuss how I can help you reach your goals or to discuss tailoring this programme for groups.

The coaching programme that Julie worked on with me helped me to see the positive side of situations. It has meant I have become more proactive in addressing situations, and see opportunities where previously I may have seen obstacles. It also gave me the opportunity to consider personal and professional goals, learn tools that have enabled me to feel more in control, and has equipped me to deal much more effectively with ambiguity, which has been useful in both the workplace and at home. In addition I have had increased energy levels despite a very busy work schedule. I found the 1:1 session with Julie extremely useful – she quickly establishes rapport and trust. I felt it was critical to work with someone who is empathic and will listen but also challenge and push. The coaching journey led me to refocus on goals and move towards these more positively so that I begun to more fully enjoy life with direction again.
— David Pope, Head of Annuities, Legal & General