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Jules Courtney

Visiting this site and exploring the services I offer should tell you how my work will benefit you. My work is all about you, my clients. I strive to help you get the outcomes you want and deserve in any aspect of your life that you know needs to improve.

I recognise however the work of a coach, energy and wellbeing practitioner is deeply personal and therefore you may need to know more about me before deciding to embark on a programme. 

I am a businesswoman, mother, and founder of a corporate business called The Resilience Formula which provides coaching and consultancy services to organisations. The business embodies my philosophy “keeping pressure positive” and we successfully work with leadership teams who know inaction on the wellbeing of their people will affect performance, happiness and health. I am also deeply interested in complementary wellbeing practices and heart-based living and if you are reading this site, it is because this side to my work may be of interest to you.

Through my private client work, I offer reflexology, QiGong classes, coaching, stress relief and Mindfulness programmes, as well as body massage, all tailored to your individual needs. I also offer Heart based Mindfulness in Movement workshops.

Having had a highly successful corporate career in the city, south east Asia and the Middle East as I headed towards turning 30, divorce, having lost a baby and parents to accidental death and suicide and then developing an auto immune disorder, with a few heartbreaks along the way, I had faced major life changes and had to develop strategies to deal with each of these challenges. I thought my life lessons and experience in learning to be resilient through adversity had already happened, however in 2020, as the world faced a pandemic my family home flooded, my daughter was thrown into home schooling and my husband was diagnosed with cancer. Yet again, I was being hugely challenged by life events. I had to sustain my business and pivot it to respond to world events and sadly, my husband lost his fight against cancer and I became a widow and single parent at 46.

In spite of these hugely challenging events in life, I feel it is such a privilege that I can blend my corporate experience with my interest in integrated wellbeing practices. I have continuously explored my interest in wellbeing, holistic and energy work and have spent over 20 years studying numerous coaching and wellbeing practices. I have discounted the ones that do not resonate with me personally and kept the ones that have consistently delivered results for my clients. This journey of exploration and discovery will never stop and I am currently studying constellations coaching.

It is my passionate belief that enabling people not just to recover from stress and tension in the physical body, but to create a deeper and longer-lasting transformation through raising self reflection and awareness, as well as learning skills to apply in the moment of high pressure, that amazing results can be achieved. We can all be empowered to better support our wellbeing and the concept of energy can be considered when using the whole body, particularly the heart and gut to positively influence your life.

My number 1 driver is that I want to empower you which is why I encourage all my clients to have coaching so you can learn practical skills that you can use at any time of day or night – so you do not become dependent on me or the therapy room in order to get stress relief, energy or balance.

I combine my professional background with rich life experiences to ensure I can work with a wide range of people from City workers in high stress job roles, women’s health with a specialist focus on peri and post menopause health and those recovering from serious illness and/or considering a life or career change and wanting some support during this process.  I balance a direct approach with warmth and empathy and a sense of challenge and fun. I also run a virtual support group with my colleague Andrew, called Leading through and after Loss, aimed at those still working who have experienced grief and loss but still want and need to work.

I invite you to take up the offer of a no obligation telephone or zoom consultation to discuss if my work is something that will help you.