
For anyone looking for a personal effectiveness skill that will support them through periods of stress or change and help recapture the ability to notice where the body may be holding stress in order to let go.

The world we live in is getting faster every day and it can often be a challenge to find time to rest and restore ourselves. The mind, like the body, can get sick if it is not rested. 

Many case studies have shown the benefits of mindfulness and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence now recognises CBT Mindfulness as a very effective stress reduction technique.

Mindfulness is becoming a valuable and popular life skill which can help us to think clearly and cope with the pace of life. You may think that resilience and relaxation is completely out of reach during a typical day and through the introductory session we begin to challenge this misconception. The introductory session will introduce mindfulness practices that will allow both body and mind to switch off and rest.

By the end of the session you will be able to:

  • recognise how mindfulness practices can help you become more resilient;

  • put strategies in place to slow down the mind and body in moments of high pressure;

  • be kinder to yourself.

Sometimes it may be difficult to create what we believe to be sufficient time for relaxation and stress reduction. However, by dedicating only a few minutes a day to practical on-the-go mindfulness strategies, you’ll feel empowered to be more in charge of your wellbeing.

The next introductory taster session's will be on Friday 25 April in Epping Essex (venue tbc) . If this day and time does not suit you please do get in touch to discuss alternative options. 

For longer programmes that can include developing meditation practice, please do get in touch for 6-week programmes running throughout the year.

Mindfulness - A Roadmap for Stress Resistance and Health

For anyone looking for a personal effectiveness skill that will support them through periods of stress or change and help recapture the ability to notice where the body may be holding stress in order to let go.

Do please double check there are spaces available in your preferred class before joining, and that the class is running during school holidays. A minimum of 2 people is required for any group session to go ahead.

 I look forward to welcoming you.

Booking Terms and Conditions

As there are costs incurred when booking classes we will only accept cancellations 14 days prior to any course start. Within the 14 days leading up to the beginning of the course, you may be able to transfer to another programme or receive a 50% refund. After the beginning of the course, no refund or exchanges will be processed.

I think this is a great introductory session, both to practice in the workplace or for personal use. This session was a good reminder of some simple techniques that I had come across before, but also made me appreciate the benefits if I were to practice regularly. I left with a clearer distinction between what toolkit mindfulness and seated based meditation is, and now realise that meditation is better suited to when I am less likely to be disturbed. Thought provoking, useful and engaging, I left feeling calm, but excited that I can now do the exercises I learned to reduce stress in a gentle non-judgemental way, whether I’m a work or at home. Thanks to Julie, I feel I now have the tools to begin my journey into Mindfulness.
— Ketta Shimmin - Owner of Flossy Pops Cakery